Zobrazit normální verzi : Kicked by Console: "[HPK] mas moc velky ping, zkus se pripojit pozdeji..."

11-12-14, 08:43
Zdravím vás kotelnáci... nevím jestli jsem retard já nebo vy.. hraju na mem PC HALL 3000 - ping odpovídající není víc než 150 a píše mi to když příjdu na server Added to banlist :(
Setmaster unavailable, start a server first.
"maxplayers" set to "32"
NET Ports: server 27015, client 27005
Server IP address
InstallTutor - Tutor Setting is 0
VAC secure mode is activated.

Server # 1
Warning: Unable to open sound/misc/tick_tock_1b.wav for transfer
Warning: Unable to open sound/misc/tick_tock_2b.wav for transfer
Warning: Unable to open sound/misc/tick_tock_3b.wav for transfer
Error: server failed to transmit file 'sound/misc/tick_tock_1b.wav'
Error: server failed to transmit file 'sound/misc/tick_tock_2b.wav'
Error: server failed to transmit file 'sound/misc/tick_tock_3b.wav'
Unable to initialize DirectSoundCapture. Trying waveIn.Bylo pou�ito ID za��zen�, kter� je mimo rozsah syst�mu.
Unable to initialize wave input. You won't be able to speak to other players through a microphone.
engi007 se pripojil
Couldn't open file overviews/awp_india.txt. Using default values for overiew mode.
Couldn't open file overviews/awp_india.txt. Using default values for overiew mode.
Navigation map 'maps\awp_india.nav' loaded.
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
engi007 se pripojil k Policistum
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Martin killed engi007 with awp
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Setmaster unavailable, start a server first.
"maxplayers" set to "32"
InstallTutor - Tutor Setting is 0
VAC secure mode is activated.
maxplayers cannot be changed while a server is running.

Server # 2
Warning: Unable to open sound/misc/tick_tock_1b.wav for transfer
Warning: Unable to open sound/misc/tick_tock_2b.wav for transfer
Warning: Unable to open sound/misc/tick_tock_3b.wav for transfer
Error: server failed to transmit file 'sound/misc/tick_tock_1b.wav'
Error: server failed to transmit file 'sound/misc/tick_tock_2b.wav'
Error: server failed to transmit file 'sound/misc/tick_tock_3b.wav'
Unable to initialize DirectSoundCapture. Trying waveIn.Bylo pou�ito ID za��zen�, kter� je mimo rozsah syst�mu.
Unable to initialize wave input. You won't be able to speak to other players through a microphone.
engi007 se pripojil
Navigation map 'maps\de_dust2.nav' loaded.
engi007 se pripojil k Policistum
Bob se pripojil
Bob se pripojil k Teroristum
Scoring will not start until both teams have players
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Unknown command: client_buy_open
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Unknown command: client_buy_close
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Unknown command: client_buy_open
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Unknown command: client_buy_close
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Unknown command: client_buy_open
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Unknown command: client_buy_close
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
*** engi007 killed Yuri with a headshot from m4a1 ***
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
*** engi007 killed Clarence with a headshot from m4a1 ***
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
*** engi007 killed Yogi with a headshot from m4a1 ***
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
engi007 (RADIO): Granat!
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
*** engi007 killed Frasier with a headshot from m4a1 ***
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
*** engi007 killed Lester with a headshot from m4a1 ***
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
*** engi007 killed Bob with a headshot from usp ***
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
Could not add bot to the game: Team is full
] connect csko.cz:27094
Connecting to csko.cz:27094 ...
Connection accepted by
* Privilegia nastavena

Server # 42
Couldn't find map maps/jb_oasis.bsp, server will download the map
Commencing connection retry to csko.cz:27094
Connecting to csko.cz:27094 ...
Connection accepted by
* Privilegia nastavena

Server # 43
Couldn't find map maps/jb_cp_assis.bsp, server will download the map
] connect csko.cz:27094
Connecting to csko.cz:27094 ...
Connection accepted by
* Privilegia nastavena

Server # 43
Couldn't find map maps/jb_cp_assis.bsp, server will download the map
] connect csko.cz:27086
Connecting to csko.cz:27086...
Connection accepted by
* Privilegia nastavena

Server # 35
Couldn't find map maps/jail_endoplazmik_fix.bsp, server will download the map
Commencing connection retry to csko.cz:27086
Connecting to csko.cz:27086...
Connection accepted by
* Privilegia nastavena

Server # 35
Unable to initialize DirectSoundCapture. Trying waveIn.Bylo pou�ito ID za��zen�, kter� je mimo rozsah syst�mu.
Unable to initialize wave input. You won't be able to speak to other players through a microphone.
engi007 se pripojil
Couldn't open file overviews/jail_endoplazmik_fix.txt. Using default values for overiew mode.
Couldn't open file overviews/jail_endoplazmik_fix.txt. Using default values for overiew mode.
engi007 se pripojil k Teroristum
Scoring will not start until both teams have players
Jsi posledni vezen. Nemuzes si nic koupit.
{ACE}Domca se pripojil
Aktivuj si VIP ucet a ziskej volny slot na vsechny servery a dalsi vyhody ! Pro vice info napis /vip
{ACE}Domca se pripojil k Policistum
napis /menu pro zobrazeni pravidel, prikazu, adminu atd.
[HPK] Hraci s pingem nad 150ms budou vyhozeni!
{ACE}Domca je ted Simon
Jsi posledni vezen. Nemuzes si nic koupit.
CTF turnaj 5v5 13.12. - 14.12. vice na csko.cz/forum
simon otevrel cely
Kicked by Console: "[HPK] mas moc velky ping, zkus se pripojit pozdeji..."
Kicked :"[HPK] mas moc velky ping, zkus se pripojit pozdeji..."
] connect csko.cz:27086
Connecting to csko.cz:27086 ...
You have been banned from this server.

Retrying csko.cz:27086 ...
You have been banned from this server.

] connect csko.cz:27086
Connecting to csko.cz:27086 ...
You have been banned from this server.

Retrying csko.cz:27086 ...
You have been banned from this server.

] connect csko.cz:27086
Connecting to csko.cz:27086 ...
] connect csko.cz:27086
Connecting to csko.cz:27086 ...
] connect csko.cz:27086
Connecting to csko.cz:27086 ...
] connect csko.cz:27086
Connecting to csko.cz:27086 ...
You have been banned from this server.

Retrying csko.cz:27086 ...
You have been banned from this server.

Retrying csko.cz:27086 ...
You have been banned from this server.

] connect csko.cz:27086
Connecting to csko.cz:27086 ...
You have been banned from this server.

] connect csko.cz:27086
Connecting to csko.cz:27086 ...
You have been banned from this server.

] connect csko.cz:27086
Connecting to csko.cz:27086 ...
Connection accepted by
* Privilegia nastavena

Server # 35
Unable to initialize DirectSoundCapture. Trying waveIn.Bylo pou�ito ID za��zen�, kter� je mimo rozsah syst�mu.
Unable to initialize wave input. You won't be able to speak to other players through a microphone.
engi007 se pripojil
Couldn't open file overviews/jail_endoplazmik_fix.txt. Using default values for overiew mode.
engi007 se pripojil k Teroristum
{ACE}Domca se pripojil
Scoring will not start until both teams have players
Scoring will not start until both teams have players
Scoring will not start until both teams have players
{ACE}Domca se pripojil k Policistum
Aktivuj si VIP ucet a ziskej volny slot na vsechny servery a dalsi vyhody ! Pro vice info napis /vip
Jsi posledni vezen. Nemuzes si nic koupit.
{ACE}Domca je ted Simon
napis /menu pro zobrazeni pravidel, prikazu, adminu atd.
[HPK] Hraci s pingem nad 150ms budou vyhozeni!
Jsi posledni vezen. Nemuzes si nic koupit.
simon otevrel cely
CTF turnaj 5v5 13.12. - 14.12. vice na csko.cz/forum
Kicked by Console: "[HPK] mas moc velky ping, zkus se pripojit pozdeji..."
Kicked :"[HPK] mas moc velky ping, zkus se pripojit pozdeji..."
Connecting to
Connection accepted by
* Privilegia nastavena

Server # 37
Couldn't find map maps/35hp_cbble.bsp, server will download the map
Commencing connection retry to
Connecting to
Connection accepted by
* Privilegia nastavena

Server # 37
Unable to initialize DirectSoundCapture. Trying waveIn.Bylo pou�ito ID za��zen�, kter� je mimo rozsah syst�mu.
Unable to initialize wave input. You won't be able to speak to other players through a microphone.
engi007 se pripojil
Couldn't open file overviews/35hp_cbble.txt. Using default values for overiew mode.
Couldn't open file overviews/35hp_cbble.txt. Using default values for overiew mode.
engi007 se pripojil k Teroristum
HLstatsX:CE disabled! Need at least 4 active players (2/4)
Aktivuj si VIP ucet a ziskej volny slot na vsechny servery a dalsi vyhody ! Pro vice info napis /vip
napis /menu pro zobrazeni pravidel, prikazu, adminu atd.
[HPK] Hraci s pingem nad 150ms budou vyhozeni!
CTF turnaj 5v5 13.12. - 14.12. vice na csko.cz/forum
Added to banned list
Connecting to
Connection accepted by
* Privilegia nastavena

Server # 41
Couldn't find map maps/1hp_acer.bsp, server will download the map
Commencing connection retry to
Connecting to
Connection accepted by
* Privilegia nastavena

Server # 41
Unable to initialize DirectSoundCapture. Trying waveIn.Bylo pou�ito ID za��zen�, kter� je mimo rozsah syst�mu.
Unable to initialize wave input. You won't be able to speak to other players through a microphone.
engi007 se pripojil
Couldn't open file overviews/1hp_acer.txt. Using default values for overiew mode.
Couldn't open file overviews/1hp_acer.txt. Using default values for overiew mode.
engi007 se pripojil k Teroristum
Scoring will not start until both teams have players
Scoring will not start until both teams have players
engi007 killed {ACE}Domca with knife
Aktivuj si VIP ucet a ziskej volny slot na vsechny servery a dalsi vyhody ! Pro vice info napis /vip
napis /menu pro zobrazeni pravidel, prikazu, adminu atd.
{ACE}Domca killed engi007 with knife
{ACE}Domca opustil hru
Added to banned list
Connecting to
Connection accepted by
* Privilegia nastavena

Server # 37
Unable to initialize DirectSoundCapture. Trying waveIn.Bylo pou�ito ID za��zen�, kter� je mimo rozsah syst�mu.
Unable to initialize wave input. You won't be able to speak to other players through a microphone.
Requesting tempdecal.wad from server
Requesting tempdecal.wad from server
engi007 se pripojil
Couldn't open file overviews/35hp_cbble.txt. Using default values for overiew mode.
Couldn't open file overviews/35hp_cbble.txt. Using default values for overiew mode.
engi007 se pripojil k Policistum
syky se pripojil k Teroristum
engi007 : custe

e{jkel}en:c dropped
Aktivuj si VIP ucet a ziskej volny slot na vsechny servery a dalsi vyhody ! Pro vice info napis /vip
*** syky killed lunaka99 with a headshot from knife ***
engi007 : jak se mate

{ACE}Domca killed MICHAL with knife
e{jkel}en:c se pripojil
napis /menu pro zobrazeni pravidel, prikazu, adminu atd.
e{jkel}en:c se pripojil k Teroristum
Slapkins killed engi007 with knife
[HPK] Hraci s pingem nad 150ms budou vyhozeni!
{ACE}Domca : Ahoj

engi007 : my mame vlastivedu

lunaka99 killed self with worldspawn
{ACE}Domca : Mam se skvele

CTF turnaj 5v5 13.12. - 14.12. vice na csko.cz/forum
e{jkel}en:c died
e{jkel}en:c se pripojil k Policistum
*MRTVY* engi007 : a dneska jdu domu po tehle hodine

Slapkins killed MICHAL with knife
engi007 killed {ACE}Domca with knife
{ACE}Domca opustil hru
The server operator has added you to banned list
Added to banned list
Connecting to
Connection accepted by
* Privilegia nastavena

Server # 41
Unable to initialize DirectSoundCapture. Trying waveIn.Bylo pou�ito ID za��zen�, kter� je mimo rozsah syst�mu.
Unable to initialize wave input. You won't be able to speak to other players through a microphone.
engi007 se pripojil
Couldn't open file overviews/1hp_acer.txt. Using default values for overiew mode.
Couldn't open file overviews/1hp_acer.txt. Using default values for overiew

11-12-14, 14:22
[HPK] Hraci s pingem nad 150ms budou vyhozeni!

zeby ta kickovalo???