Zobrazit normální verzi : dotaz

11-04-15, 18:51
Ahoj, jak muzu mit zbran v prave ruce a knife v leve ?

11-04-15, 22:48
cl_lw 0/1

Nemáš zač :)

The Keox
11-04-15, 23:01
vetsi problem je v tom ze pokud vim tak to na kotelne nejde,tyto prikazy ovlivnuji prej recoil zbrani,uz sem se ptal, ano cl_lw a cl_lc s hodnotou 0 ti pomuzou s timto ale kotelna ti to hodi na defaultni hodnoty "1"....Jestli si to nekde videl tak je to bud z HLTV coz to tak je na HLTV vzdy a nebo jestli si to videl nekde na HNS serverech tak to maj povolene...Ale neuskodilo by povolit prikazy cl_lc a cl_lw "0" jenom na HNS

12-04-15, 00:08
vetsi problem je v tom ze pokud vim tak to na kotelne nejde,tyto prikazy ovlivnuji prej recoil zbrani,uz sem se ptal, ano cl_lw a cl_lc s hodnotou 0 ti pomuzou s timto ale kotelna ti to hodi na defaultni hodnoty "1"....Jestli si to nekde videl tak je to bud z HLTV coz to tak je na HLTV vzdy a nebo jestli si to videl nekde na HNS serverech tak to maj povolene...Ale neuskodilo by povolit prikazy cl_lc a cl_lw "0" jenom na HNS

takze ovlivnuji recoil aha .. csko hram nejaky piatok ale toto som este nepocul teda

12-04-15, 09:11
Vysvětlení, co dělá cl_lw z cvarlistu, který jsem našel na internetu:

This is called "client-side weapon firing prediction".What this refers to is the instantaneous set of effects that occur when the fire button is pressed. These effects are all done client-side if client-side weapon firing prediction is enabled (cl_lw is 1). The effects include: starting the weapon firing animation, showing any muzzle flash, creating any ejected shells, drawing decals and bullet puffs at the impact spot on the wall of the level, starting the weapon firing sound, etc. However, the actual determination of whether the shot (for hit-scan weapons at least) hit another player is now and always has been done at the server. If this is disabled, Lag Compensation is also disabled. See cl_lc.

a tady je vysvětlení pro cl_lc:

This is called "server-side hit computation and lag compensation".This only works if the server is allowing lag compensation (sv_unlag 1) and if the firing player is requesting lag compensation (cl_lc 1 - note that the player must also be predicting weapon firing client-side, too, or cl_lc is ignored). Don't change this. See also cl_lw.

12-04-15, 10:27
kdyz jsem dal cl_lw 0 tak jsem uz mel zbran v prave ruce a knife v leve jenze po 2 sekundach se to zas zmenilo tak jak jsem to predtim mel..

12-04-15, 10:39
s cl_lw si nehraj, nebo si to zlaguješ, navíc server by to měl vracet tušim.

Tu máš knife ve druhé, ale je to trochu jiný skin, jestli to nevadí http://speedy.sh/vrAdB/v-knife.rar

The Keox
12-04-15, 11:37
takze ovlivnuji recoil aha .. csko hram nejaky piatok ale toto som este nepocul teda

Kdyz trochu si projedes archivy temat tak mozna najdes,nebud linej.

13-04-15, 19:48
precitaj si to
mas tam aj skin nozika bez zmeny prikazov s original texturami

16-04-15, 19:22
precitaj si to
mas tam aj skin nozika bez zmeny prikazov s original texturami

Tak dik no :)