Zobrazit normální verzi : small_but_wow --> Weekend <3

04-09-15, 23:36
Vypis z konzole:

[AMXBANS] ================================================
[AMXBANS] Mas BAN pro tento server! (id 156434)
[AMXBANS] Mas 2 hodin, 57 minut a 21 vterin do vyprseni BANU
[AMXBANS] Duvod banu: 'Opakovane strileni do cizi kempy'
[AMXBANS] Zabanovany nick(1): < small_but_wow >
[AMXBANS] Tvuj nick: small_but_wow
[AMXBANS] Zabanovane SteamID(1): STEAM_0:0:6984285
[AMXBANS] Tvoje SteamID: STEAM_0:0:6984285
[AMXBANS] Zabanovana IP adresa(1):
[AMXBANS] Tvoje IP adresa:
[AMXBANS] V banlistu na www.csko.cz muzes zjistit podrobnosti o banu
[AMXBANS] Ban dal admin: < Weekend
[AMXBANS] Server: csko.cz | BaseBuilder XP 2 (bb_castle)
[AMXBANS] Pokud si myslite, ze jste ban dostal(a) nepravem, muzete pozadat o unban na foru csko.cz
[AMXBANS] Oznacte tento text mysi, pravym tlacitkem ho zkopirujte a pak vlozte na forum
[AMXBANS] ================================================
Kicked by Console: Tady mas BAN. Zkontroluj konzoli proc !!!.
Kicked : Tady mas BAN. Zkontroluj konzoli proc !!!.


Hey there,

I've got banned for shoting "once" into another base, cuz the attacker was very overpowered and I tried to help the builder. I didn't know that it is forbidden, cuz I can't speak cz.
The builder left his base quickly, as he saw he have no chance, the most shots from me happend as the zombie wasn't in any base.

Thats not the first time I have problems with your admins. One admin wrote something to me, I told him, that I don't understand, he didn't answer, left the server.
Another admin slapped me, because I was to close to a window and he walked on a couch, mistakly on my head and got damaged.
The next admin mute me for writing, it wasn't flame or something like this, just writing.
There was another moment I got slapped around, but again, without any message.

I really try to understand your server, but I think its also hard for cz people too. Its like everyone (admins too) do what he want.

Actually there were several players doing shit, real shit, but I got banned.

"It feels like" you have a problem with racism on your server.

The next thing is flaming, often in cz, so I can't understand, but you hear it on the voice. Another wrote something to me, he was translating it later.

Many people build close to other bases, with the lock command they blocking the basebuilding of others. Other people try to troll around, like you see, its not only normal players, its admins too. They remove your stuff (admins too and also while I have used /autolock), they build directly into your base.

If I use /autolock, build under a bridge, the guy which want to do a way for his skybase on the bridge starts to flame. Thats another part I don't understand. - It seems like that sometimes skybase is allowed, sometimes not, depending on the admin who is online. (other things too)

Your servers are the best base builder ones, the scripting I mean. Its not perfect, but better as at all the other servers, so I like to play on it.
But like I said, it feels like everyone do what he want and you have a problem with racism on your server.

If you want to be alone on your server, I mean cz sk only, then do a scipt which kick the players with ips from other countrys. Actually your server is international, everyone can join, so it would be good, if you write the rules in english and if you have admin who can talk english or who can talk at all.

I would like to stay on your server, but if I am not welcome, its ok, just tell me in a normal way.

Thank you for your attention.


04-09-15, 23:51
Hi :)
You shot into someone's camp had to repeat, I warned you about it,but you don't respond.

No, I'm really not a racist. Chasten and after each notification. You aren't neither the first neither the last.

05-09-15, 00:41
Ah Mario, you was the one who didn't repeat on my "What did you say?" / "I can't understand you." Edit: > One admin wrote something to me, I told him, that I don't understand, he didn't answer, left the server. < I also asked the other players, but no one understood or wanted to tell me, what you wrote. (Thats a part of what I mean with I am not welcome. You ask something and don't get any answers. Another time I asked for the builder skills, no one wanted to help. Maybe cz sk people arn't that helpful at all. Not all, but the most. And if you write to much, you get muted. -.-)

I didn't mean you with racsit. All that happend to me, make me feel like I am not welcome, no one specially at all.

05-09-15, 01:04
Most people on BaseBuilder hasn't have 15 years and more. They have a small dictionary of English, they don't understand you.

05-09-15, 01:56
hmm okay
but why didn't you translate? you left some minutes later and I had no clue what you wanted.

how long is the ban going?

05-09-15, 12:37
Ban has expired.

05-09-15, 15:39
I c :)