Zobrazit normální verzi : Zastaralá verze ttt!

26-11-16, 11:39
Ahoj omlouvám se dal jsem zde starou verzi "https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=238780" a kotel ji dal na server

nová verze:https://github.com/GuskiS/Trouble-in-Terrorist-Town/commit/05f0b458ed0c9c4d3c3090b7cc8be5ddb78d8eba

ChangeLog: nepřeložený

v2.5.2 -[19 march 2015]

Link to GitHub. (nahoře)
File changes:

New ttt_command_menu.amxx - holds all usefull commands available to player, user /ttt to open.
New ttt_addons.txt - new language file to store upcoming updates so that I won't have to update main file and mess up missing translations.
New ttt_colorchat.inc - holds includes for ColorChat support for those who use amxmodx <1.8.3 versions.
Renamed ttt_item_hyn.sma to ttt_item_disguiser.sma

API changes:

Added native ttt_buymenu_show - to show buymenu for a player.
Changed native ttt_register_cvar - added one more string parameter description[]. Now this native prints also description in ttt_mod.cfg file.
Added native ttt_command_add - adds your commands to menu for easier access.
Added forward ttt_command_selected - called when command is selected from menu.
Added forward ttt_plugin_cfg - called when TTT mod loads all configs.
Added constant TTT_ADMINACCESS - for things that need admin access.
Added few PLAYER_DATA fields for addons support.
Added stock ttt_get_user_name - gets player name if user has taken other players name.

Source file changes:

All plugins which are registering cvars have been updated to use native with description.
All items have been migrated to user ttt_plugin_cfg forward.
ttt_antiretry_system -Added few failsafes.
ttt_core - Added forward ttt_plugin_cfg, neat ScreenFade effect to show which team you are on, fixed issues with karma not giving for using Newton, some code improvements, removed legacy code.
ttt_dead_body - Code improvement.
ttt_dna_system - Code improvement, added new message.
ttt_exploit_prevention - Fixed bug when player model couldn't be set correctly after he being killed.
ttt_items_base - Added new native ttt_buymenu_show, added support for CommandMenu, code improvement, support for Items sharing addon.
ttt_item_disguiser(previously ttt_item_hyn) - Added posibility to steal other players identity by using Backpack menu on deadbody.
ttt_item_golden - Added ScreenFade effect on hit.
ttt_item_knife - Code improvement.
ttt_item_newton - Fixed bug with not giving correct karma on kill.
ttt_logging - Fixed but with not getting amx_nextmap cvar value.
ttt_replacements - Added TutorMessage removal code.
ttt_rules - Added CommandMenu support, ttt_rules admin command, code improvement.
ttt_show_infos - Added CommandMenu support, added Last states MOTD to see last round player states, code improvement.
ttt_special_info - Added support fake detective and disguiser name steal features, code improvement.
ttt_stats_system - Added CommandMenu support, fixed bug with less than 10 record in TOP10, added failsafes.
ttt_version_check - Fixed mandatory bug with checking wrong version (facepalm), fixed bug of getting wrong data from server(previous version migrated to new server).
ttt_warning_system - Added CommandMenu support, added banning on low karma(ttt_warnings_minkarma).


Fake detective(T) item - Makes you look like Detective - glow, letter on head, scoreboard, etc.
Tripmine(T) item - Ported Tripmine into TTT mod - it explodes and gives same effect as UMP prototype gun.
Hook(D/T) item - Rope/hook to fly around the map.
Items sharing system(D/T) - it is now possible to buy items for other players with credits.
Loyalty system(D) - Can set players loyalty - provable, suspicious, traitorious etc.

Other changes:

Dropped all translations except Spanish which is new.
Amxmodx <1.8.3 users have the colors back in chat ^_^
Few default cvar values have been changed.
Fixed bug with resources where the package was missing models/ttt/w_throwingknife.mdl causing server to crash on start!

E: Pokuď chcete vidět co update vše má tak pojďte na tento server to vyskoušet.. (není to reklama!) (Spoiler rozklikne jen ten kdo chce vidět Nový update!)

E: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Nutslope/screenshots/#scrollTop=0 <- screeny updatlých menus.

27-11-16, 14:33
Já už v tom stávajícím udělal tolik změn, že to nemá smysl.

27-11-16, 14:39
Prosíme tě kotle.. Půlka serveru to zde chce :/

27-11-16, 14:42
Sice nikdo neví, co na tom serveru je, ale půlka to chce...
Těch pár věcí, co je v této verzi, se dá přidat jednoduše.

29-11-16, 11:48
Verze 2.5.2 je na serveru od začátku.

12-05-17, 17:06
Byli jen odebrany itemy což mě spletlo.. Pár dalších itemů pro Zrádce/Detektivy by se mohlo přidat