Zobrazit normální verzi : [ archivace 29.5. ] [X] Fury --> Grakon2702

28-05-20, 17:04
Vypis z konzole:

[AMXBANS] ================================================
[AMXBANS] Mas BAN pro tento server! (id 280296)
[AMXBANS] autoid: neni
[AMXBANS] Duvod banu: 'Advertisement on another server (unban: http://csko.cz/XyHy)'
[AMXBANS] Zabanovany nick(1): < [X] Fury >
[AMXBANS] Tvuj nick: [X] Fury
[AMXBANS] Zabanovane SteamID(1): STEAM_0:1:161773256
[AMXBANS] Tvoje SteamID: STEAM_0:1:161773256
[AMXBANS] Zabanovana IP adresa(1): ***.**.**.***
[AMXBANS] Tvoje IP adresa: ***.**.**.***
[AMXBANS] V banlistu na www.csko.cz muzes zjistit podrobnosti o banu
[AMXBANS] Ban dal admin: < Grakon2702 >
[AMXBANS] Server: csko.cz | Bhop
[AMXBANS] Pokud si myslite, ze jste ban dostal(a) nepravem, muzete pozadat o unban na foru csko.cz
[AMXBANS] Oznacte tento text mysi, pravym tlacitkem ho zkopirujte a pak vlozte na forum
[AMXBANS] ================================================
Kicked by Console: Tady mas BAN. Zkontroluj konzoli proc !!!.
Kicked : Tady mas BAN. Zkontroluj konzoli proc !!!.


It says I was advertising.

I have 2 things to say.

First, it is weird that the ban is permanent for "advertising".
Second, I do not remember what and when it hapened, but I never spam other IPs or advertise to depopulate a server, so I was obviously giving to a friend (that I do not have on steam) an IP where I could teach him bhop with 100aa. I have a restricted account on Steam, so I cannot add any friend, so in-game was the only place I could give him the IP.

I do not have any toxic or bad intention agaisnt this community/clan and its servers. I just enjoy bhoping here sometimes.

Thank you for any help.

[X] Fury

28-05-20, 17:32
Hello. I understand, you might not understand our language so you couldn't read our rules. It is strictly forbidden on all of our servers to type IP addresses of another servers. I'm happy that you requested for unban, so I can discuss it with you. I will cancell your ban for now, but you must promise me, it will never happen again and that you will read our rules in english version here: https://csko.cz/forum/showthread.php?64902-Server-rules-what-s-forbidden-punishments-for-rules-breaking.

28-05-20, 18:04
Thank you, I will read the rules right away.
And no more IPs.

[X] Fury

28-05-20, 18:59
Ban was cancelled.

Ban zrušen.

29-05-20, 13:41