Zobrazit normální verzi : [ archivace 18.8. ] oyche_sq --> Pelargos

10-08-20, 20:10
Vypis z konzole:

[AMXBANS] ================================================
[AMXBANS] Zabanovan adminem |^Pelargos^|
[AMXBANS] V banlistu na www.csko.cz muzes zjistit podrobnosti o banu
[AMXBANS] Duvod: 'Wallhack'
[AMXBANS] Delka: 'permanentne'
[AMXBANS] Tvoje SteamID: 'STEAM_0:1:41544244'
[AMXBANS] Tvoje IP: ''
[AMXBANS] Pokud si myslite, ze jste ban dostal(a) nepravem, napiste zadost o unban na foru www.csko.cz
[AMXBANS] ================================================


I have played in this game almost 12k hrs and ADMIN joined for like 2mins and banned me for Wallhack?

Show me demo... I wanna see this.

10-08-20, 22:06
Myslím, že to WH je tam jednoznačné, plus je tam aj AB.
DEMO1 (http://csko.cz/dema?UPD=bewcRgid)
DEMO2 (http://csko.cz/dema?UPD=DnOChU6A)

10-08-20, 23:06
Tomorrow i'm gonna upload a video on YouTube but i don't rememeber if i got some clips on your server.

//link to channel on my steam profile

11-08-20, 00:17
V hre som ho pár krát sledoval ale na nejaké podložené podozrenie toho bolo málo a vždy sa to dalo vysvetliť nejako. Demá pozrem hneď ako zajtra prídem home.

E: Prvé stačilo. Cheater.

11-08-20, 14:08

Check this video.

im not sure if there are clips from this server but some clips from random servers.

11-08-20, 14:10
Myslím, že to WH je tam jednoznačné, plus je tam aj AB.
DEMO1 (http://csko.cz/dema?UPD=bewcRgid)
DEMO2 (http://csko.cz/dema?UPD=DnOChU6A)

'plus je tam aj AB'
When I has been banned on this server? Because i don't remember.

11-08-20, 16:31

PS: Ak mas zaujem o dalsie cheatmovie na ytb, nas Admin Seeya Ti ho za maly poplatok urcite rad urobi.


11-08-20, 16:39
AB+WH, první demo bohatě stačí

'plus je tam aj AB'
When I has been banned on this server? Because i don't remember.

10/8 2020 (https://banlist.csko.cz/ban_details.php?bid=282710), please wait for my colleagues, because in my opinion you used Wallhack + Aimbot.

12-08-20, 10:03
to prve demo staci, cheater

12-08-20, 16:24
Můžu taky potvrdit cheating.

16-08-20, 18:58
Welcome to csko.cz,

thank you for applying the request for unban. We are sorry that you used cheat software despite it is strictly forbidden. Please be aware that the use of cheat software is a major break of rules and has a high impact on gameplay. To keep the gameplay and fight against cheating on the highest possible level, we can't cancel the ban rightfully given for cheating although you requested for unban regardless of other aspects (who exactly was cheating from your account, what cheat software was used, etc.)

Your ban will be automatically canceled after a year. After that, you can join our servers and play again.

The only way, you can join our servers and play again immediately is by purchasing a year VIP code. If you are interested, please write a private message to our game master Kotel (https://csko.cz/forum/private.php?do=newpm&u=1) and he will give you other instructions.

18-08-20, 20:00