Zobrazit normální verzi : Dust only 2 --> Obcházení

01-10-20, 22:34
I think everyone know him, so I dont need to upload a demo. He play at dayly base and disapoint people playing on your sever so many of them just leave.
Would that be possible to ban him by "location" or ip range? I meat we need to stop this because it's annoying every day and it is exhausting, especially when there is no admin there for a long time when he cheats.
I think there shall be some avalable solution for this situation......
Vitekick + temp ban would also be a solution, which can be integrated into AMX mod...

Best Regards


01-10-20, 23:00
Hello. Thank you for your report. We know about player hafinka and we try to do everything we can to stop him from cheating. Unfortunately we can't do more, than just banning IP addresses or game IDs. We can't simply ban an IP range, for us admins it's technically impossible. Vote kick is not also a thing to discuss, because there is possibility that players will take bad advantage from it. We currently don't have a solution but we are working on it as much as possible. Please just be patient.