Zobrazit normální verzi : [ archivace 2.1. ] yotam --> Anticheat

31-12-20, 11:02
Vypis z konzole:

AMXBANS] ================================================
[AMXBANS] Mas BAN pro tento server!
[AMXBANS] duvod: detekovano pripojeni z vpn nebo proxy
[AMXBANS] ip adresa:
[AMXBANS] Pokud nevis, o co jde, muzes pozadat o vyjimku na foru csko.cz
[AMXBANS] ================================================
Kicked by Console: Tady mas BAN. Zkontroluj konzoli proc !!!.
Kicked : Tady mas BAN. Zkontroluj konzoli proc !!!.


My nickname is Palm Angels, obviously not using any cheats and I have no idea why I keep getting these messages. It literally came out of nowhere! Thanks :)

31-12-20, 11:28
Hi yotam,

the mistake isnt on your side, but on our side. Usually the player contacts the server administrator, but in your case I will do it. If the server administator reads my message, you will be able to play on our servers again. Sometimes it takes a few minutes, sometimes a day :D..

We apologize for the incovenience.

btw: if your problem will be solved, you will be notified in this post.

31-12-20, 12:03
Thank you so much man! appreciate it :)

31-12-20, 16:56
I gave you an exception. You can play.