Zobrazit normální verzi : Pravidlá TTT po anglicky

09-12-21, 14:50
Dobrý deň,
na TTT občas chodia zahraniční hráči. Viem že nie som prvý, koho to napadlo (a neviem, či to už niekto neurobil), ale nudil som sa, tak som preložil pravidlá do angliny. Neviem ako presné to je, nie som profesor. Sú to komplet pravidlá (okrem rád a tipov od admina metanol):

- It is forbidden to shoot and/or kill other players on purpose and for no reason (this is a so-called random).
- It is forbidden to tell the position and role of other players to the Traitors, whether through communication programs, admin chat or Steam chat.
- It is forbidden to spam the voicechat (annoying others).
- The Traitors must not shoot each other. Collateral damage with the Jihad bomb also counts (taken as a random).
- It is forbidden to block other players' path if only one route to the place they are going to exists (killing a player that is blocking a detective can be counted as a random).
- It is forbidden to reconnect or use /rs to increase your low Karma to default.
- It is forbidden to use unreadable nicknames (chinese symbols, arabic symbols, azbuka, ...) or use your nickname for other bad intentions.


- Using cheats or advertising cheats (f.e. automatic aim, seeing through walls) = permanent ban
- Telling the position of the enemy team on Teamspeak, Ventrilo, Skype etc. can be viewed as wallhack
- Insulting/annoying players - it is forbidden to insult other players and annoy their gameplay in any way = kick/ban
- Spam/flooding, advertising other public servers, advertising websites = kick/ban
- Camp - it is forbidden to camp in spawn or with the bomb, however, CTs can camp sites if the bomb is not planted and Ts can camp only after the plant = slap/slay/kick/ban
- Not following the objective of the map/gamemode (holding the game up) - slay/kick/ban
- Deliberate killing of hostages = ban
- Pretending to be an admin = ban
- Deliberate blocking of players = slay/kick/ban
- Deliberate blinding of teammates = slay/kick/ban
- Skywalking
- Nokill (deal to not kill the enemy) = kick/ban
- Copying someone's nick/clantag = ban
- Scripts or bugs that give you advantage (flash bug, quiet bomb plant, etc.) = ban
- Selling and/or buying nicknames or ranks

Insults of the admin team will not be tolerated. Any provocation can be punished. It is forbidden to use insulting, threatening, sexually oriented or otherwise inappropriate terms, discriminating or racist terms or the names of people famous for their evil nature on any of the servers, website, forum and other communication programs.


Basis of the game:
At the start of the round a small group of Traitors (red glow and red text in lower left corner) is randomly selected that know each other's role; and some Detectives (blue glow and blue text), who are trying to find the traitors together with the Innocents. The rest are the Innocent (green text). The Traitors have to kill the Innocent and remain the last ones standing.

*The Innocent, Traitors:*
Marking a dead body to be checked by the detective: Flashlight button (F) for opening the item menu, then pressing First menu item (1). If the dead body was checked by the detective, pressing the Use button (E) will bring up a menu showing you the dead player's role.

Checking a dead body's role: Use button (E).

Throwing knife (if you have the knife bought and are holding it): Primary fire (LMB).

Healing (if there's a health station on the ground): Use key (E).

Special equipment:
Traitors and Detectives can buy special items. The buy menu for these items can be opened by pressing your Buy key (B) or saying /buy in chat. To use the items, press the Flashlight key (F) and choose using item slot/menu item keys (1-0)

After you spawn, look in the bottom left corner, where your role will be displayed.
If someone has a backpack it doesn't immediately mean they have a bomb. It can be a defuse kit.
As an Innocent, don't kill everyone, killing other Innocents lowers your Karma!
As a Traitor, cooperate with other traitors! Lure the Innocents into a trap!
As a Detective, check dead bodies with your Use key! Every Innocent can see the information you've collected!

Your Karma will decrease if you kill or hurt teammates!
Karma decreases slower if the person you attacked has low Karma
The less Karma you have, the less damage you deal.
You will gain Karma if you don't hurt anyone.
How much Karma you gained (or lost) is shown only at the end of the round.

You can gain Karma in several different ways:
1. As an INNOCENT, don't hurt other INNOCENT or DETECTIVES.
2. As an INNOCENT, kill the TRAITORS.
4. As a DETECTIVE, check the dead bodies or kill the TRAITORS.


Console commands:
- Buy command (or say /buy) opens the buy menu
- Flashlight (bind "[key]" "impulse 100" opens your backpack with items
- The Use key (bind "[key]" "+use") if USEful for checking dead bodies, healing from health stations, DNA scanner etc.
- bind "[key]" "+specialvoice = you can only communicate with your team (Traitor with Traitors, Detective with Detectives; the Innocent don't have this function)
- bind "[key]" "+ttt_bind1" = for using some custom items
- say /rules and say /help = shows rules
- say /ttt - opens a custom menu with interesting things

Chat commands:
- rockthevote (rtv) - vote for early map change
- listmaps - lists the maps on the server into the console
- nominations - shows nominated maps
- napoveda - shows information about nominations and voting for maps
- cmd, cmds - shows commands for stats
- top5, top10, top20 - shows best players
- points, rank - shows your stats and rank
- statsme - shows your stats and rank
- hlstatsx - shows stat menu and help
- hlx_display 1 (0) - enables/disables point showing after each kill
- nextmap - shows next map
- timeleft - shows time left on current map
- thetime - shows current time
- resetscore - resets your score
- /menu - shows menu with main info
- /mute - shows menu, where you can mute messages from players

Otvorenie serveru aj pre iné krajiny okrem Česka a Slovenska je zrejme nereálne a nikto to nechce robiť, ale ako som povedal, nemal som moc čo robiť, tak už to nezahodím a dávam to sem.

- Pežot

15-12-21, 10:15
Pridávam rady a tipy:

We play as the Innocent most of the time, and a lot of players think about playing this role as boring. That is however wrong, because as an Innocent, you can still have a lot of fun and also gain a lot of Karma. Here's a few tips how it's done:

1) Don't kill without thinking first: Avoid fast and random shooting. Don't kill someone who just shot the air and put your finger off the mouse button. For example, if you see two players shoot at each other, don't immediately run and kill the one that survived, because you never know which one of them was a Traitor, even more so if you didn't see which one shot first. Remember his name and wait until a Detective checks the body, there you will know more about the player. Collect more information. If you immediately kill him, even if you are not completely convinced, you put yourself at risk of losing Karma. More below.

2) Collect information: Watch the players' reactions, watch them even if you know they are Innocent, observer where they move around the map. The Traitors often change their place of interest and wander around a different spot - mainly experienced players do this. It's very subtle, but I've personally profiled a lot of players, and now I know when they are most probable to be Traitors.

3) Be cautious: If you are Innocent, stick around open spots, near a big group of people - but it's better to be somewhere on the outside of the group, to avoid a possible Jihad bomb. If you roam the buildings alone, you attract the attention of the Traitors, who will easily outnumber and kill you.

4) Hitting others: Don't randomly hit other players, if they are also Innocent, because you are helping the traitors this way.

As I see it, the Detective is a very underused role, but it's great to gain big amounts of Karma. Here's a few tips to play as a Detective.

1) Teleport: As the first thing, less experienced players wait for a Credit to buy the Golden DEagle, but it's better to exchange the first Credit for a Teleport. You choose coordinates to spawn, and find yourself in any danger, you can teleport and survive a lot longer.

2) Bait: The teleport has a really good use when finding the Traitors. Personally, I deliberately walk around places where the Traitors are likely to be, and often one of them will start shooting at you. There I know who one of the Traitors is and I teleport away. This way, you can find the Traitors much quicker than using Golden DEagles.

3) DNA Scanner: An item that the Detective can buy for one Credit. You find a dead body, check it by pressing E as per usual. If it shows the player was Innocent, you pull out the scanner and click on the body again, this time using LMB. Then a green sign should appear, pointing to the player's murderer (if he/she's not already dead). This green sign will update position based on the murderer's position.

4) Check the dead bodies: Check every dead body. Each check gives you 10 Karma, so you can gain a lot of it this way, which really helps. You can also gain more information: For example, if I see the player Indian0 dead and I've seen him text to Ritschi a while ago, I suspect him being a Traitor. However, I don't kill him immediately, just watch him with the corner of your eye.

5) Golden DEagle: Golden DEagle is a gun that costs 2 Credits. It contains one bullet. If you shoot a player with it, it either makes him glow green - which signifies he/she's innocent; or instantly kill him.

The players' most favourite role. If you want to kill more than one or two players a round, you have to think about the game.

1) Communicate: You have a private voice chat with the other Traitors, through which you can discuss tactics. Use this, and be a team player. You have a bigger chance to win this way.

2) Think: Think about the possible outcomes if you kill someone. It's obvious that if you kill someone in a crowd, you will die. If you are in a crowd, use chaos as the players kill each other and kill someone from the edge of the group.

3) USP: The USP is my personal favourite. It deals a lot of damage, and at a higher Karma, you can kill someone in two hits. Pair it with a Kevlar Vest, because it can often save your life.

4) AWP: If you are planning to use the AWP, first decide where to camp. Pay attention to the fact that here the AWP doesn't kill one-shot to the chest. Aim for the head and search for players with a low Karma and low HP. Before shooting, plan an escape route, because everyone will hear the AWP and you need to secretly change location.

5) C4: This is also a very good tool. Try to place the C4 in a place where the players gather. If the blast doesn't kill them, it deals a lot of damage, which can help you. Be careful however, because other players can see that you have the C4 in the scoreboard, so plant it immediately after buying it. If you click the RMB before planting, you can set a different timer until explosion, at least 30 seconds.

6) Jihad: Using the Jihad, you can kill a lot of players, but it's better to use as a last resort, for example if there are a lot of players left, you have low HP and want to help the other Traitors. Try using it in closed spaces, where other players can't run from. Before using it however, alert your teammates, because if you kill yourself and one Traitor, not even 6 kills will help you to not lose Karma.