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Téma: MInecraft Ekonomika

  1. #1
    Expert člen Avatar uživatele WhiteWolf
    Datum registrace
    Aug 2016
    Kde jsem

    MInecraft Ekonomika

    Přemýšlel jsem že by se mohl zavést plugin Economy.. Peníze, shop a joby (těžení toho a toho za například 20dřeva dostanete 30money) pak by se za ty money šli nakupovat bloky nebo prodávat / kupovat mezi hráči věci. Co myslíte?
    LGBT stands for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender. It has been used since the 1990s and replaces the term ‘gay’, which on its own, did not describe the community correctly. Further expansion has led to the inclusion of queer and the community which is now LGBTQ

  2. #2

    Odpověď: MInecraft Ekonomika

    Má to být vanilla server. Proti.
    Naposledy upraveno Grakon2702; 08-05-17 v 13:58.

  3. #3
    Ex-admin Avatar uživatele ZeMi7
    Datum registrace
    Sep 2012
    Aim, AWP, d2only

  4. #4
    Expert člen Avatar uživatele WhiteWolf
    Datum registrace
    Aug 2016
    Kde jsem

    Odpověď: MInecraft Ekonomika

    Má chyba
    LGBT stands for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender. It has been used since the 1990s and replaces the term ‘gay’, which on its own, did not describe the community correctly. Further expansion has led to the inclusion of queer and the community which is now LGBTQ

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