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Téma: JANIK Config

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  1. #1

    Smile JANIK Config

    // This file is overwritten whenever you change your user settings in the game.
    // Add custom configurations to the file "userconfig.cfg".

    bind "TAB" "+showscores"
    bind "ENTER" "+attack"
    bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect"
    bind "SPACE" "+jump"
    bind "'" "+moveup"
    bind "+" "sizeup"
    bind "," "buyammo1"
    bind "-" "sizedown"
    bind "." "buyammo2"
    bind "/" "+movedown"
    bind "0" "slot10"
    bind "1" "slot1"
    bind "2" "slot2"
    bind "3" "slot3"
    bind "4" "slot4"
    bind "5" "slot5"
    bind "6" "slot6"
    bind "7" "slot7"
    bind "8" "slot8"
    bind "9" "slot9"
    bind ";" "+mlook"
    bind "=" "sizeup"
    bind "[" "invprev"
    bind "]" "invnext"
    bind "v" "amxmodmenu"
    bind "`" "toggleconsole"
    bind "a" "+moveleft"
    bind "b" "buy"
    bind "c" "radio3"
    bind "d" "+moveright"
    bind "e" "+use"
    bind "f" "impulse 100"
    bind "g" "drop"
    bind "h" "+commandmenu"
    bind "i" "messagemode"
    bind "j" "cheer"
    bind "k" "+voicerecord"
    bind "l" "say /respawn"
    bind "m" "chooseteam"
    bind "n" "nightvision"
    bind "o" ":D"
    bind "p" "+setlaser"
    bind "q" "lastinv"
    bind "r" "+reload"
    bind "s" "+back"
    bind "t" "impulse 201"
    bind "u" "messagemode2"
    bind "v" "piss"
    bind "w" "+forward"
    bind "x" "+strafe"
    bind "y" "messagemode"
    bind "z" "radio1"
    bind "~" "toggleconsole"
    bind "UPARROW" "+forward"
    bind "DOWNARROW" "+back"
    bind "LEFTARROW" "+left"
    bind "RIGHTARROW" "+right"
    bind "ALT" "+strafe"
    bind "CTRL" "+duck"
    bind "SHIFT" "+speed"
    bind "F1" "autobuy"
    bind "F2" "rebuy"
    bind "F5" "snapshot"
    bind "F6" "save quick"
    bind "F7" "load quick"
    bind "F10" "quit prompt"
    bind "INS" "+klook"
    bind "PGDN" "+lookdown"
    bind "PGUP" "+lookup"
    bind "END" "centerview"
    bind "MWHEELDOWN" "+jump"
    bind "MWHEELUP" "+duck"
    bind "MOUSE1" "+attack"
    bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2"
    bind "PAUSE" "pause"
    _cl_autowepswitch "1"
    _snd_mixahead "0.1"
    ati_npatch "1.0"
    ati_subdiv "2.0"
    bgmvolume "1.000000"
    bottomcolor "6"
    brightness "1.000000"
    cl_allowdownload "1"
    cl_allowupload "1"
    cl_backspeed "600.0"
    cl_cmdbackup "2"
    cl_cmdrate "30"
    cl_corpsestay "5.000000"
    cl_crosshair_color "50 250 50"
    cl_crosshair_size "small"
    cl_crosshair_translucent "1"
    cl_dlmax "128"
    cl_download_ingame "1"
    cl_dynamiccrosshair "1"
    cl_forwardspeed "600.0"
    cl_himodels "0"
    cl_idealpitchscale "0.8"
    cl_lc "1"
    cl_logocolor "#Valve_Orange"
    cl_logofile "lambda"
    cl_lw "1"
    cl_minmodels "0"
    cl_radartype "0"
    cl_righthand "1"
    cl_shadows "1"
    cl_timeout "300"
    cl_updaterate "20"
    cl_vsmoothing "0.05"
    cl_weather "0"
    con_color "255 180 30"
    console "1.000000"
    crosshair "1.000000"
    fastsprites "0"
    fps_max "101"
    fps_modem "0.0"
    gamma "2.500000"
    gl_dither "1"
    gl_flipmatrix "0"
    gl_fog "1"
    gl_monolights "0"
    gl_overbright "0"
    gl_polyoffset "4"
    hisound "1"
    hpk_maxsize "4"
    hud_capturemouse "1"
    hud_centerid "0"
    hud_draw "1"
    hud_fastswitch "0"
    hud_saytext_internal "1"
    hud_takesshots "0"
    joystick "0"
    lookspring "0.000000"
    lookstrafe "0.000000"
    m_filter "0"
    m_forward "1"
    m_pitch "0.022"
    m_side "0.8"
    m_yaw "0.022"
    model "gordon"
    MP3FadeTime "2.0"
    MP3Volume "0.800000"
    mp_decals "300.000000"
    name "Player"
    net_graph "0"
    net_graphpos "1"
    net_scale "5"
    r_bmodelhighfrac "5.0"
    r_detailtextures "0"
    s_a3d "0.0"
    s_automax_distance "30.0"
    s_automin_distance "2.0"
    s_bloat "2.0"
    s_distance "60"
    s_doppler "0.0"
    s_eax "0.0"
    s_leafnum "0"
    s_max_distance "1000.0"
    s_min_distance "8.0"
    s_numpolys "200"
    s_polykeep "1000000000"
    s_polysize "10000000"
    s_refdelay "4"
    s_refgain "0.4"
    s_rolloff "1.0"
    s_verbwet "0.25"
    sensitivity "3.000000"
    skin ""
    spec_autodirector_internal "0"
    spec_drawcone_internal "1"
    spec_drawnames_internal "1"
    spec_drawstatus_internal "1"
    spec_mode_internal "4"
    spec_pip "0"
    suitvolume "0.250000"
    sv_aim "0"
    sv_voiceenable "1"
    team ""
    topcolor "30"
    viewsize "110"
    voice_enable "1"
    voice_forcemicrecord "1"
    voice_modenable "1"
    voice_scale "0.750000"
    volume "0.800000"
    exec userconfig.cfg
    Naposledy upraveno JANIK :D; 16-11-12 v 16:14.

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