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Téma: [ archivace 18.10. ] Fanga La Boongala (jiny hrac) --> Troy

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  1. #1
    Datum registrace
    Oct 2021

    [ archivace 18.10. ] Fanga La Boongala (jiny hrac) --> Troy

    Vypis z konzole:

    [AMXBANS] ================================================
    [AMXBANS] Mas BAN pro tento server! (id 293693)
    [AMXBANS] Mas 3 tydnu, 6 dnu, 23 hodin, 33 minut a 54 vterin do vyprseni BANU
    [AMXBANS] autoid: neni
    [AMXBANS] Duvod banu: 'Vulgarita historia'
    [AMXBANS] Zabanovany nick(0): < Fanga La Boongala >
    [AMXBANS] Tvuj nick: stepsister
    [AMXBANS] Zabanovane SteamID(1): STEAM_0:0:111124911
    [AMXBANS] Tvoje SteamID: STEAM_0:0:111124911
    [AMXBANS] Zabanovana IP adresa(1):
    [AMXBANS] Tvoje IP adresa:
    [AMXBANS] V banlistu na www.csko.cz muzes zjistit podrobnosti o banu
    [AMXBANS] Ban dal admin: < Troy >
    [AMXBANS] Server: csko.cz | dust2 only
    [AMXBANS] Pokud si myslite, ze jste ban dostal(a) nepravem, muzete pozadat o unban na foru csko.cz
    [AMXBANS] Oznacte tento text mysi, pravym tlacitkem ho zkopirujte a pak vlozte na forum
    [AMXBANS] ================================================


    There are players who ruin my game on purpose, they block me to make me tell them bad words, and then they take screenshots.
    But they start. I have now videos+demos.
    I want to upload how they ruin my game: They block, they don't let me move and cover my sight.
    Where can I upload .dem files?

    Or unban me, or ban them too. I have all evidence how they ruin my game and also destroy team game because they don't move.
    It's not fair if 2 players ruin my game you only ban me. I am vulgaria only because they ruin my game on purpose. Why you don't ban them?

    You have dropbox? drive ? I want to send you demo files

    Naposledy upraveno Britny; 15-10-21 v 21:53. Důvod: Úprava výpisu

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